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Old 07-22-2019, 08:46 PM   #111
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File Size: 868 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:32:41

This Video Features "Dear Diary part 1: My First Weekly Spanking" and "Dear Diary part 2:
Paddled to Tears" together and in their entirety!
There's a special bond between a Father and his daughter, in fact, he'd generally do almost
anything for her. In that same respect, he also expects good behavior out of his girl, as
he wants her to succeed in life. In "Dear Diary part 1: My First Weekly Spanking", we get
a glimpse inside that that special bond, a look at the spankings that must take place when
a daughter disappoints her Father.
This video starts out with Aimee Morgan talking to her video diary, ashamed for her poor
recent actions where she was goofing off in class and hit her teacher in the head with a
large eraser. Her teacher was devastated and had to take a couple of days off,...it was the
final straw for her Dad as her behavior had gone down hill in the past year. Mr. Morgan
decided that this year would be different and that Aimee would have weekly spankings
administered to her bare bottom, it was time for a change!
Aimee assumed her position in the corner and the spanking began right there, over her
tight jeans. Soon she would be placed over her Dad's knee wearing just a thong and having
her bottom repeatedly smacked by his heavy hand. This last year had been too much for him,
he felt that dishing out regular spankings was his last resort. As promised, her thong was
pulled down and Aimee was spanked on her bare cheeks, they were bouncing with each and
every smack, she couldn't believe that this was now going to be a weekly thing, a new way
of life for her!
Next, her Dad peeled off his belt and laid in a lot of licks to her bare bottom! He had
placed Aimee over the arm of the couch so her bottom would be sticking high up in the air,
a good position for applying some leather. This was true old fashioned discipline, and the
first weekly spanking would also see Aimee having her bottom paddled too! A stiff leather
paddle was applied as Aimee bent over, she struggled through those swats as the heat
increased with each and every stroke. By the time the spanking was over, Aimee wished
that she hadn't messed up so much, perhaps the spankings were already working? Let's hope
that they did, because if Aimee messed up throughout the week and required extra spankings
besides her weekly discussions with her Dad, she would be required to take fully naked
spankings that would be even more embarrassing and painful!

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Old 07-22-2019, 08:53 PM   #112
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File Size: 626 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:31:09

This video features both parts of "Raising Her Right" in one complete video!
Ashley Belle is ashamed of herself and she should be for what she did! Ashley
was caught stealing from a local party store and the security cameras captured
every bit of her and her friend's committing the crime. Her Dad talked the store
owner out of pressing charges, but he promised that Ashley would be punished
bare bottom for her actions.
Ashley knew what she did was wrong and she wasn't raised to be acting like this,
so she knew darn well that a spanking was coming. Her Dad bent her over in her
thin leggings to start the spanking, laying in stern smacks right from the start.
The spanking continues over her panties, and it was quite the sight as Ashley's
bottom jiggled from the hard spanking. Before her bottom was fully bared, her
Father laid in swats with the leather paddle, Ashley despised being paddled though
she knew that stealing was an offense that deserved a paddling. Once her bottom was
completely bare, Ashley received another hand spanking and then more swats with the
paddle, it was more than clear that her Father was displeased with her behavior!
Then there was that sound, the horrible sound of her Dad taking off his belt. She
knew this sound quite well and knowing what was going to happen to her behind never
got any easier. Ashley tried her best to prepare for a belt whipping, but there's
really nothing that she could ever do when it came to taking strokes from stinging
leather. Her Dad laid it in good, the old fashioned belt was always used in their
house when Ashley would mess up, and it always made her fight back tears. To make
sure that Ashley understood what her Father was trying to teach her, he pulled out
the family strap and laid in several hard licks! Ashley wasn't raised to make poor
choices, but when she did,...she knew that bare bottom spankings would be soon to
In Part 1 of "Raising Her Right", Ashley Belle made some poor choices and her
Father rightfully spanked her for those decisions, and he spanked her good! Here
in Part 2, we find Ashley pleading her case and claiming that she's innocent when
it comes to a theft from the neighbor. Her Dad's having none of it and he tells
her to go get the implements that she thinks should be used on her. And being the
obedient daughter, she returns with some painful implements and pulls down her
own pants, revealing no panties, and prepared for a thorough spanking on her
bare bottom!
The spanking starts with Ashley bent over the bed and taking hard smacks on
her behind right from the start. Her Father is not going to allow theft in his
household, and he's going to make this punishment counts! Ashley then goes over
his knee for more hard hand spankings, she also gets swats with a leather paddle
and a wooden paddle otk as well. To make sure that Ashley remembers the effectiveness
of corporal punishment, she's given a stern strapping and strokes of the cane! Maybe
Ashley was innocent, and maybe she wasn't,...but this is what happened and how she
was raised. (Watch at the end of the Full Video for a Bonus Caning Scene)

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Old 07-22-2019, 09:03 PM   #113
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File Size: 267 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:13:49

This video picks up the morning after "Red Bottom Runaways" part 1 finished and
features the delightfully spankable Alex Reynolds facing more strict measures
from her father. Previously, Alex was spanked for taking off and staying out
all night without permission. Here, we find her in bed and grounded to her room,
but she becomes restless and decides to call the guy that she's been seeing. Her
father is furious, finding her on the phone after all he's been put through,...feeling
determined to make this spanking count, he decides that he's going to whip her butt
with the belt without a warm up!
At first, Alex lies about who she was talking to and what she was doing the night before.
However, the belt can bring about the truth in a rather quick order and we learn that
Alex has been seeing a new guy without permission. This confession only infuriates her
father and he decides that bare bottom spankings are better suited for his wayward daughter.
He pulls out a thick and heavy billet strap to punish her bottom next and Alex's butt
in on fire, things only get worse when she has to fully strip and endure swats with a
leather paddle! The final licks are given with a long razor strap, surely Alex will
obey the rules of the house from here on out because that darn strap really hurt
her bare bottom.

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Old 08-03-2019, 07:55 PM   #114
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File Size: 481 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:21:00

Aimee Morgan has recently been getting into cosplay a lot, in fact she's been hanging
out with an entirely different crowd in the last few months and her dad warned her that
she might be spending time with the wrong people. So, you can imagine her Father's surprise
when he came home to find her tied up and gagged! Aimee was supposed to be getting ready
for vacation, instead there she was on the couch with a note on her back. Her Father read
the note and it became clear that Aimee had been hanging out with a cosplay guy that worked
her over hard sexually. Furthermore, he left her there tied up for her Father to find as
retribution because she hadn't been a very nice girl to him. You can imagine Aimee's embarrassment,
what was worse was her clit was extremely sore from being worked over for hours before she was
discovered and she had a look on her face that her Father had never seen before (ahegao)!
Well, Aimee's Father was more than furious as he was wanting to be leave on vacation
immediately when he arrived home, instead,...he focused his time on untying his daughter
and then he proceeded to pull her right over his knee for a hard spanking! No daughter of
his was going to be allowed to indulge in such filthy behavior and he knew that thorough
punishment was required right then and there. First, he spanked her over the cute shorts
that she was wearing, then he pulled those down to reveal some rather cute panties. It wasn't
long though before Aimee was struggling with the pain of being spanked on her beautiful bare
Once her buns were nice and warm, her Father bent her over the couch for a paddling with a
heavy leather paddle. He was already disappointed in the girl, so you can imagine the shock
when he found a vibrator in the couch! Aimee's Dad was livid and he decided this this had
to be a memorable punishment, so he instructed Aimee to use the vibrator on her very sore
clit. Initially she refused, but eventually the girl knew there were no other options and
she found herself being spanked and paddled while she used the vibrator on her very tender
princess parts! Eventually, Aimee promised in a half hearted manner to get her act together
and pack for vacation, her Father then decided that the punishment would end with a painful
over the knee paddling with a wooden paddle. We can only hope that Aimee learned a valuable
lesson or two and that she promptly began packing or she'll be sure to find herself in
further hot water with her Father!

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Old 08-03-2019, 08:05 PM   #115
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File Size: 166 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:06:29

In our new series ("The OTK Series") Devon goes over the knee for a proper spanking!
First, she's spanked over her tight and sexy jean shorts, you can even start to see
the red coming through on her upper thighs as the spanking goes on. Soon enough though,
her bottom is completely bared and Devon is given some rather swift smacks with the
hand. It's fair to say that devon took a very good spanking in a position that many
have come to favor in the spanking world. We also get a chance to hear from Devon about
why she personally favors receiving spankings over the knee in a very personal discussion!

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Old 08-03-2019, 08:13 PM   #116
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File Size: 805 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:21:01

Ashley Belle is a beautiful young lady who's been featured in some of our most
popular videos ("A Serious Chicago Spanking" and "Raising Her Right"). Often
times she's a rather well behaved girl, but sometimes she makes big mistakes,
like the time that she wasn't supposed to see a certain boy (Chad) and she did.
In fact, not only did Ashley see a boy that her father forbid her to see, but
the neighbor also happened to get a photo of them naked together when they were
fooling around on his property. You can imagine the fury that Ashley's Father
felt when he found out about the disobedience, that girl was certainly in for
some painful punishment!
When confronted by her Father, Ashley was in complete denial,...that made
things even worse and she was taken over the knee to begin what would be a
long and painful spanking. The smacks hurt Ashley's little round bottom
as they rained down, and the pain would get even worse once her jeans were
pulled below her knees! Her furious Father spanked her hard with his hand,
and then he used a large leather paddle on her soft and tender behind.
The girl struggled with the agony of having to take such a stern spanking,
but there wasn't much she could do as she was really in trouble this time.
Her Father decided that he wanted to take a moment to think about how to
finish her punishment, so Ashley was sent to her room to wait for an hour
while he made his decision.
Once that hour passed Ashley was called back into the living room and it
was made clear that she'd be grounded from everything for the next month.
Furthermore, she would have to bend over and accept a stern belt whipping.
Ashley's Dad had just purchased a new and rather heavy belt, and sure as
heck that long piece of leather blazed her red hot fanny. It hurt over
her jeans and the strokes certainly hurt when fired in on her bare bottom!
Ashley was feeling defiant through it all though, she felt that she should
be able to do exactly what she wanted. Unfortunately for her, that sass
of hers brought on a longer punishment as she'd have to take a strapping
and a paddling,...and the swats would be with a harsh lexan paddle!!!
Ashley fought hard to finish the spanking with some sort of dignity though
she was as sore as could be. Her Father made it clear that if she disobeyed
him again there would be more strict spankings in her future.

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Old 08-03-2019, 08:20 PM   #117
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File Size: 269 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:10:06

"Spanked Three Days in a Row" is part two of "Anastasia's Painful Strappings",
a story about a girl obsessed with sending the boys at school selfies of her
bare bottom. In part one ("Spanked Two Days in a Row"), Anastasia found herself
being spanked and strapped with the belt by her Dad once he found out about the
pictures of Anastasia's red bottom floating around the school. He made it clear
that the spanking would be much worse next time if she didn't showcase better
decision making. Well, sure enough, Anastasia couldn't stop herself from sending
out more selfies of her sore bottom and now she faces an even harder punishment
than she endured just the day before!
Anastasia already had a swollen bottom from her spankings the previous two days,
now it was going to be even more red because her Father was determined more than
ever to make sure that she didn't send out any more bare bottom selfies. Anastasia's
Father lifted her little skirt and he began spanking her hard right from the start,
the naughty girl struggled with the pain and unfortunately she knew that the punishment
had just begun. Next, her Father dropped her panties and really laid into her good,
in fact he put his knee on the edge of the couch and he lifted the girl right off the
ground so her legs were kicking while he spanked her! The hand really hurt, but Anastasia
knew that she'd be getting the belt next and that her bottom would be blistered by the
time that the strapping was over. To make the punishment truly memorable, Anastasia's
Dad set a timer and she had to take fast and hard repeated strokes of the belt for 90 seconds,
her Dad blazed her defiant buns! Maybe Anastasia likes the attention of sending photos of
her sore butt to boys, but rest assured her Father is going to keep giving her stern licks
until she learns to be better behaved.

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Old 08-03-2019, 08:29 PM   #118
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File Size: 366 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:20:45

"Playing with Fire" is the third part of a trilogy ("Sent Home From the Slumber
Party" and "Eye for an Eye" are the first two parts) that features Mackenzie
Reed as a daughter who's made some big mistakes! First, she was caught doing
dirty things at a slumber party, and then Mackenzie tried to enact revenge on
a girl who was supposed to be a friend. In this video, Mackenzie takes more
steps in the wrong direction as she raised her hand to her mother, it's just
something that you don't do!
Mackenzie's poor behavior is going to earn her punishment, a severe one at
that,...and it'll be her final opportunity to apologize and make things right
or she'll be sent off to boarding school. You can bet that she's going to be
obedient for this spanking and she'll be accepting whatever punishments her
father deems necessary. As this video starts, we see Mackenzie waiting with
a wooden paddle cradled in her hands and that very paddle would soon be used
on her bottom as it's sticking out, only covered by a thin skirt! She'd be
feeling the board again, but first she'd have to face several other implements
including a leather paddle that would fall upon her bare cheeks. It's clear that
Mackenzie's father was looking to drive a major lesson home, and hopefully she
takes the punishment to heart.
Embarrassment can play a big part in thorough spankings, and after Mackenzie's
father uses a riding crop to correct her, he instructs her to bare her bottom
for penalty swats,...smacks that sting her more private areas! In fact, Mackenzie
is told to hold her already sore cheeks open for corporal punishment with the
riding crop, this is by far the worst spanking her dad ever given to her. Mackenzie
almost welcomed the belt, but she couldn't even relax for a minute as she was then
instructed to strip fully nude to endure hard licks from her dad. She never knew
her father could be so strict, but Mackenzie certainly started taking life a lot
more serious real quick! Every implement that she had to set out for this spanking
would would be used, and that included the dreaded razor strap,...it's the kind of
implement that will bring tears to a girl if she wasn't already crying. And sure
enough, that wooden paddle would be used again, though this time she would have to
suffer through swats with soap in her mouth! One could feel sorry for what Mackenzie
went through, though many could see that fair and swift justice was delivered to a
girl who needed the stern discipline that only a caring father could deliver.

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Old 08-04-2019, 09:02 AM   #119
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File Size: 412 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:17:53

Shauna Sass is in for a rude awakening! She took a job tutoring the student
of a wealthy family, they even fly her around with them on their vacations.
Shauna is supposed to be tutoring their son first, and then she's allowed to
have free time to enjoy herself whenever they travel. Recently, Shauna became
very excited when she found out that the family was going on a trip to Mexico,
though unfortunately she didn't do the job that she was supposed to do.
Imagine the disappointment of the student's father when he found out that
she's barely been teaching his son, instead she's been partying on the beach
for most of the time, and she's been seen hanging off of several men!
Sooner or later she was going to be found out and unfortunately for Shauna,
the student's father is a firm believer in corporal punishment! Shauna's boss
was quick to bend her over the arm of a chair and he repeatedly smack her
bottom with his palm over her shorts. It becomes clear though that Shauna
had developed an air of irresponsibility, and she also talked back to him,
so he pulled down her shorts and smacked her bottom even harder! He then
grabbed his belt and gave her a sound lashing, Shauna's round cheeks quivered
from the stern strikes, but the punishment would'nt be over any time soon.
Shauna's boss had never heard her speak with such attitude, so he decided
to dish out some swats with a leather paddle. The sting from that paddle
lit her up good, but the heat that came from strokes with a billet strap
really set her cheeks on fire! You can then imagine her anguish as she had
to stay in position for the rubber strap with holes, especially after her
boss pulled her panties down. The rubber strap burns a woman's behind and
makes her think long and hard about what she did wrong. Finally, two wooden
paddles were used to drive the lesson home, one of them even had holes!
Shauna was a grown woman, and here she was being paddled bare bottom right
in the living room where the rest of the family could hear. She was
embarrassed and humiliated, though she did a rather good job tutoring the
student on the rest of their vacation in Mexico.

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Old 08-04-2019, 09:11 AM   #120
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File Size: 513 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:22:24

Aimee Morgan has made a few mistakes in her day, but not telling the truth to her
father turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes that she's ever made! A note
was found at Aimee's house and her dad confronted her about it. What was written
included some perversion and seemed to be written to an older man. Aimee denied
that she'd written the note even though it was clearly in her handwriting. Her dad
could sense the defiance and he instructed her to stand up and lay herself over
his knee for a father/daughter discussion!
The spanking starts over her jeans though those are soon pulled down so Aimee's
father can focus on smacking her bare cheeks. It's so embarrassing for Aimee to
have to be spanked over the knee, but her dad is not going to put up with dishonesty,
in fact he's going to make a point to correct her before she starts making bigger
mistakes. Aimee knew that she was in big trouble and having her panties pulled down
so she could take swats with two leather paddles confirmed the seriousness of the
Since Aimee decided to write filth in a note to an older man, her father decided to
strap her hands with a leather tawse. And because she lied, because she spoke
untruths out of her mouth, she was given a stern mouth soaping! Correction could not
be more important when mistakes are made, Aimee's dad also instructed her to bend
over and she was given strokes with a wooden licken' stick. This was a very thorough
punishment for Aimee and it would be of the greatest importance that she stay on
her best behavior, being obedient in every action and telling the truth at all times!

https://filejoker.net/mt451sbf3vxe (512.9 Mb)
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