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Old 03-28-2020, 01:26 PM   #271
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File Size: 425 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:16:18

There are times in our world where a crisis hits and we all must pull together for
the greater good of everyone. Recently, Caroline Adams (Shy Sky) made the decision
to break a new law that was passed (3A-4B), it strictly forbade the hoarding of goods
that were considered to be a daily necessity. The first offense for being caught
hoarding such goods would involve stern corporal punishment being applied to the
bottom of the offender!
Caroline was nervous, she had been spanked before but she knew that this was going
to be worse! She was placed over a bench and was informed that if there was a second
offense she would be punished fully naked, and the punishment would be broadcast for
everyone to see on the national television network as well as online. For the first
offense, Caroline would take searing strokes with the belt over her jeans to begin
the spanking, though her pants would quickly be pulled down for harsh strokes with
the strap!
Caroline found herself crying at several points during the punishment, and the
embarrassment became almost unbearable when her bottom was fully bared! A strap
with five fingers sizzled her beautiful bottom, followed up by strokes of a reformatory
strap. A split tailed strap was then given rapid fire and without mercy! Finally,
there were many solid swats given to Caroline's bare backside with a wooden paddle that
had holes. The young woman was in tears as she endured the very hard paddling, but she
had no other choice than to accept what she had coming.
Let's hope Caroline can avoid hoarding any further items or she will have to endure
fully naked spankings for the entire world to see!

Category: SPANKING


Keywords: strict paddle swats , judicial discipline , belt in jeans , hard strappings ,
wooden paddle with holes , harsh penalties , spanked over a bench , beautiful red bottom ,
tears , belt whippings , crying , hot welted buns , bare bottom punishment , painful
spankings , shy sky

A_SEVERE_WARNING_.part1.rar (218.0 Mb)
A_SEVERE_WARNING_.part2.rar (207.2 Mb)
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Old 03-28-2020, 01:49 PM   #272
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File Size: 483 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:18:21

In "One Last Chance" Mallory (Maneater) came home from a stint in a teen detention facility.
She had been getting into all sorts of trouble and at the time there was no other option than
to send her there. Her dad made it clear that if she wanted to stay at the house and not be
sent back she'd have to follow the rules that he'd set forth. She was given an immediate bare
bottom spanking and agreed to the terms and conditions.
Now, in "Smoking Hot Spanking", Mallory is caught smoking when her dad arrives home. He loves
the girl and he is really trying to give her a fair shot, so he decides to give her one more
chance, but she'll have to take a strict dose of corporal punishment! Her spanking starts out
over his knee and in a tight pair of jean shorts, though soon his hard hand is rapidly spanking
the gorgeous cheeks of Mallory in a rather strict fashion. A paddle is then used on Mallory's
bottom while she's still over his knee, she'd been spanked by her dad several times before,
but she never would get used to being spanked on the bare!
Once Mallory was thoroughly spanked over his knee, the real punishment began. First, she was
bent over the couch and strapped for becoming the type of girl that couldn't be obedient. Then,
she was given swats with a painful lexan paddle, you could see the struggle in Mallory's face
with each and every lick! It was clear that Mallory was on thin ice and her dad wouldn't be
putting up with any more disrespect. There was no doubt that she would receive harder corporal
punishment if there was another infraction, and potentially she could be sent back to the
detention facility.

Category: SPANKING


Keywords: hot otk spanking , daddy/daughter punishment , welting her ass , lexan paddle swats ,
otk paddling , stinging strap strokes , cherry red bottom , bent over and strapped , strict dad ,
painful strappings , porn star spanked hard , taking a hard spanking , hard lessons learned ,
mallory maneater

SMOKING_HOT_SPANKING.part1.rar (248.0 Mb)
SMOKING_HOT_SPANKING.part2.rar (235.2 Mb)
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Old 04-03-2020, 10:43 AM   #273
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File Size: 40 Mb
Resolutin: 720 x 540/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:06:03

Nikki Rouge Spanked!

Nikki reluctantly appears for an interview with the executor of her trust fund, extremely
unwilling to take responsibility for the poor choices that have left her finances in total
disarray. But her financial advisor has finally run out of patience with her get rich quick
schemes and high living and makes his displeasure known by seizing the surprised redhead on
the way to turning her over his knee. Sensing her impending doom, the nimble Nikki tries to
scoot out of Steve's grasp, but he easily reels her back and drags her across his lap. Giving
the seat of her short shorts a good polishing with the palm of his hand, Mr. Fuller lectures
Nikki on all the mistakes she has committed which have led to the reduction of her estate.
Nikki's shorts are pulled down and her pink panties revealed as phase two of her punishment
begins. Nikki has much to atone for, from second mortgaging to purchasing unsecured debentures,
which Mr. Fuller specifically advised against. Now look where she is, over her financial guardian's
knee, get paddled with the flat of his very hard hand. Naturally a severe bare bottom spanking looms
in her near future and her irate monetary caretaker is the one to administer it. Nikki is summarily
dealt with and warned to mend her profligate ways between now and their next meeting, when she
will be required to produce all her credit cards for destruction. The careless girl meekly agrees
but privately decides to disregard every shred of good advice she has received.

Nikki_Rouge_Spanked.mp4 (39.4 Mb)
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Old 04-03-2020, 07:18 PM   #274
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File Size: 617 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:23:38

As part of The Corporal Punishment Research Program, select students are given an option to accept spankings
in return for school lunch credits. Administrators seek out only those students who are high achievers because
they believe that they with be more honest with their feedback. The spankings often involve the student
receiving licks with an implement in several states of dress to gauge their effectiveness. The whole idea of
the program is to do a complete study on corporal punishment with the hopes that a definitive determination
can be made as to whether corporal punishment should be allowed back into schools nationwide.
Jayda Blayze is a nerdy girl and indeed she's very smart, she's the type of person that will volunteer to be
a hall monitor and certainly she'd tell on another student in a second if it would better her in the eyes of
the faculty. When Jayda is approached about being a part of the program she willingly accepts, but little does
she know how much the spankings will actually hurt! Imagine a girl having to take licks with the hand, a leather
paddle, a long and hard plastic paddle, as well as a lexan paddle over her pants. Then you can also picture her
having to take all of those licks with her pants pulled down, and then on her bare bottom! Well, that's exactly
what happened to Jayda and she certainly learned a thing or two about how effective spankings can be.
The study also promotes research in the areas of punishment in various states of dress. Jayda would have to
take swats with a wooden paddle that had holes while she was fully naked! The girl was almost in tears and
pleaded for the spankings to cease. However, Jayda had agreed to complete the research so she was offered an
alternative punishment, a strapping on her hands with a leather tawse, and she agreed to those terms as her
bottom was swollen and very sore! Of course the tawsing of the hands brought the pretty girl to tears, but much
needed data was gathered as part of the research study and that's what mattered.

Category: SPANKING


Keywords: hard wooden paddle swats , long heavy plastic paddle , spanked by teacher , student spanked ,
strapping the hands , school spankings , girl crying , painful spankings , tears from spankings , lexan paddle
swats , nerd girl spanked , wooden paddle with holes , naked paddling , leather paddle swats , jayda blayze

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Old 04-12-2020, 08:45 AM   #275
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File Size: 426 Mb
Resolutin: 720 x 480/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:11:59

During a Shadow Lane party weekend, Eve learns that two of her favorite models have been in the hotel’s
suites making dumb blonde jokes in front of other guests. Unwilling to have any of her guests insulted,
Eve summons Sarah to account for the rude behavior and unsatisfied with her replies, proceeds to spank
the pretty offender’s bare bottom. Eve tells Sarah to remove every stich and bends the shapely beauty
over her desk. Eve continues to discipline the arrogant brunette with a leather strap across the twenty
six year old’s perfect backside.

_Eve_Howard_Spanks_Sarah_Gregory.part1.rar (219.0 Mb)
_Eve_Howard_Spanks_Sarah_Gregory.part2.rar (207.2 Mb)
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Old 04-12-2020, 09:04 AM   #276
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File Size: 262 Mb
Resolutin: 720 x 480/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:22:09

Brilliant and magnetic British dominant Amy Hunter promises to take Alex and Mila shopping on the
Vegas strip during the Shadow Lane party weekend, but instead of meeting that charming lady on time,
the girls keep Miss Hunter waiting for hours. Furious, the petite dynamo takes both inconsiderate
brats over her lap for a smart hand spanking. Then she orders them to strip nude, get up on the bed
and present their pink bottoms for a proper hairbrush paddling and heavy leather strapping apiece.
The adorably embarrassed spankees get the thrashing of their lives from the strict Miss Hunter as
she scolds them into a state of complete contrition. Voluptuous and fiercely real Mila and Alex are
both endearingly submissive yet satisfying reactive to the vigorous corporal punishment Amy so ably
administers to them. Features: hand spanking, hairbrush spanking, over the knee spanking, double nude
girl spanking on bed, strapping on bed, pantyhose spanking, panty spanking, bare bottom spanking,
scolding & nude girls on a bed comparing spanked bottoms.

Spanked_Party_Girls.mp4 (261.6 Mb)
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Old 04-12-2020, 09:17 AM   #277
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File Size: 149 Mb
Resolutin: 720 x 480/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:12:35

Women do play spanking games with other women. And it doesn't only happen in fantasies. They
come in all ages, shapes and orientations. This video concerns itself with three types of female
spanking enthusiasts: the girl who is hard-wired for domestic discipline, the adventuress who is
attracted by the novelty of same sex spanking and finally, the lesbian who enjoys spanking as
foreplay. What top hasn't dreamed of depantsing and spanking the girl next door. In the first
segment, Stephanie Locke and Eve Howard describe classic domestic discipline situations and
Cheyenne Jewell, adorable in a plaid shirt and jeans, goes over Stephanie's lap to play the naughty
niece. The shapely, long haired, twenty something Cheyenne is spanked on the seat of her jeans,
her white panties and her beautiful bare bottom. In this instructional video, positioning,
implements and attitudes are discussed while model Cheyenne is spanked with hand and hairbrush
by the incomparable Stephanie Locke.

Stephanie_Locke_Spanks_Cheyenne_pt.1.mp4 (148.6 Mb)
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Old 04-25-2020, 07:35 PM   #278
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File Size: 457 Mb
Resolutin: 1920 x 1080/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:17:28

Mary Stone recently endured the punishment of her life. She was secured to a bench and spanked,
strapped, and paddled fully naked for her mistakes! Strict laws regarding quarantine and curfew
were put into place and Mary completely ignored them. She was spanked privately for her first
offense, but here on her second offense she was stripped and cruelly punished! Mary had no excuse,
she was caught at an illegal gathering that hosted scores of people, clearly there was no concern
on her part for her fellow citizens.
Once Mary was properly positioned over the bench, her punishment was then shown worldwide for all
to see. The girl was humiliated, there she was taking a hard hand spanking from a stranger and
she was completely revealed! Mary's bare cheeks would endure many stinging strokes with a prison
strap and a reformatory strap, you could hear her struggles throughout the spanking, but there
was simply nothing she could do. Eventually she was also paddled on her already red buttocks as
well. The board had holes in it and caused the miscreant a horrible amount of pain to her bottom!
What you see here is the price that Mary Stone paid for breaking the law.

Category: SPANKING


Keywords: the prison strap , fully naked spankings , tied to the bench , wooden paddle swats ,
a girl in pain , humiliation , judicial punishment , red and purple cheeks , bare bottom spanking ,
the reformatory strap , stinging strap strokes , bare bottom paddling , a swollen bottom , struggling
with the swats , mary stone

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Old 05-05-2020, 06:31 PM   #279
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File Size: 100 Mb
Resolutin: 720 x 480/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:08:21

In this segment from Spanking 201 - Female Spanks Female Edition, Cheyenne Jewell plays the
spanking adventuress, exquisitely clad in a retro bustier and sheer, black open bottom girdle,
hose and heels. During this interlude, the infinitely skillful Stephanie puts the delectable
thrill-seeker over her knee and demonstrates corporal punishment techniques with a pink paddle
smartly applied to Cheyenne?s bottom.

Stephanie_Locke_Spanks_Cheyenne_Pt3.mp4 (99.5 Mb)
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Old 05-05-2020, 06:59 PM   #280
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File Size: 78 Mb
Resolutin: 720 x 480/ 30 fps
Duration: 00:06:30

A sexy, bratty yoga student (Maggie Mayhem) offends her personal instructor (Butch Simms).
He responds to her disrespect by upending the cute blonde and spanking her on her yoga pants
and then on her beautiful bare bottom hard!

Yoga_Girl_Spanked_by_Teacher.mp4 (77.7 Mb)
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