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Old 12-12-2020, 03:14 PM   #261
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Default Rebellious Girls Punished
Rebellious Girls Punished

Name of actress: Helena, Miss Woods, Mr. Carter
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Paige and Helena's parents must have a discussion as they have just received a very bad report from the school.Their daughters have been failing their classes, getting into trouble, and being cheeky to their teachers! The exasperated parents have tried everything, grounding, taking away privileges, yet things continue to get worse. At their wits' end, the couple agrees to try a more old fashioned approach, the type of intervention they would have gotten when they were young, a good spanking and slippering for them both! The two schoolgirls are called into the living room to discuss the report and learn their fate. They can see a problem as soon as the girls walk in, their school uniforms sloppy. Their mother tells them to strip off their uniforms, since they can't dress properly anyway. Once they are in only their shirts and underwear, they are told of the spanking they will be getting, and Paige is taken across mom and dad's laps together as mom starts the spanking, dad holds her hands still, and Helena watches. Paige is made to stand and face the wall and the parents trade places for Helena's turn, dad spanks and slippers her while mom holds her hands so she can't move around. She is then made to go stand next to her sister, both their red bottoms on display, hands on their heads.

Name: Rebellious Girls Punished
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Resolution: 1080x1920
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Old 12-12-2020, 08:04 PM   #262
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Default Domestic Spending
Domestic Spending

Name of actress: Richard, Sally (Sunny)
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Her husband has just learned that she has been spending too much money on shopping. He gives her the thrashing she deserves on her bare bottom. She then has the paddle applied as well, leaving her bottom bright red.

Name: Domestic Spending
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Resolution: 576x768
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Old 12-13-2020, 12:54 AM   #263
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Default Internet Exposure
Internet Exposure

Name of actress: Elizabeth Simpson, Jodie
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Schoolgirl Jodie's mom Elizabeth has received a call from her friend Abigail's mom informing her that both girls had been caught exposing themselves online on web cam on the school computer and gotten themselves suspended from school. She confronts Jodie and tells her she will be punished harshly for her disgusting slutty embarrassing behavior. Since she has been exposing herself, Jodie is forced to strip for her punishment. Once she is nude, she is made to place her hands on the chair and bend over for her spanking. She is spanked good and red with Elizabeth's hand, and then finished off with a leather riding crop to make sure the message gets through that her behavior was absolutely unacceptable! Elizabeth realizes that Jodie wasn't wearing any underwerar which means she went to school that way. Jodie tries to lie and say she had it on earlier, lost it, etc, but Elizabeth isn't having it and gives her six additional strokes both for not wearing it and for lying about it, then sends her to her room for the rest of the night.

Name: Internet Exposure
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Resolution: 1080x1920
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Old 12-13-2020, 10:31 AM   #264
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Default True Life Story
True Life Story

Name of actress: Elizabeth Simpson, Agean
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Agean confronts Elizabeth about the credit card and she is back to her ways lying about everything. She gets put over his knee for a good hand spanking, before she bends over the chair for a good hard strapping on her red bare bottom!

Name: True Life Story
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Resolution: 1080x1920
Photos: 14
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Old 12-13-2020, 03:20 PM   #265
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Default Jodie's Detention
Jodie's Detention

Name of actress: Peter, Jodie
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Jodie has gotten her third detention for this school term. The dean informs Jodie that she will receive a spanking for her disobedience. The dean gives her a hard hand thrashing on her bare bottom.Then leaves her to think about her bad behavior with a sore red bottom.

Name: Jodie's Detention
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Resolution: 1080x1920
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Old 12-13-2020, 08:08 PM   #266
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Default Thursday Again
Thursday Again

Name of actress: Miss Barker, Agean
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Miss Bradley is waiting for her punishment again, if she acts like a school girl and breaks the rules she will be punished like a school girl. She is put over the knee for a good hand spanking over the knickers before those come down for a bare bottom spanking thrashing! She then must bend over the chair and get a hard strapping and finally a caning as she grabs her knees!

Name: Thursday Again
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Resolution: 576x787
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Old 12-14-2020, 12:56 AM   #267
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Default Stages of a School Girl
Stages of a School Girl

Name of actress: Peter, Joanna (Charlie)
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

A Naughty Schoolgirl is supposed to be waiting quitely for her punishment. Instead she is messing around trying to cane herself to see how it feels. I guess I am going to have to show her how a real punishment is administered. We start with a hand spanking and follow with a hard caning.

Name: Stages of a School Girl
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Resolution: 576x787
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Old 12-14-2020, 05:45 AM   #268
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Default Private Book Case
Private Book Case

Name of actress: Elizabeth Simpson, Rosaleen Young
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Rosaleen is caught up reading and making fun of the Corporal Punishment of Schoolgirls a book she got out of Susan's PRIVATE book collection when she is interrupted by Susan who shows her what a REAL corporal punishment is like. Susan wrestles with Rosaleen and is put kicking and squirming her over her knee. Rosaleen is then THOROUGHLY reddened by Susan's hand until the poor confused girl isn't curious anymore and instructed, OUT by Susan. Susan leaves the same book on the couch and you see Rosaleen enter the room again going right back to reading the next chapter of the SAME book she was just beaten for! Susan comes back in and finds the bratty and UNAPOLOGETIC Rosaleen, Susan IMMEDIATELY bends her over the couch and straps her kicking and jumping with every stroke and is finally kicked out of the house BARE bottom exposed!

Name: Private Book Case
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Resolution: 576x768
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Old 12-14-2020, 10:54 AM   #269
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Default Jodie Thrashed
Jodie Thrashed

Name of actress: Elizabeth Simpson, Jodie
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Jodie gets in trouble for no or rubbish homework, and being disruptive and lazy at school! She is going to be punished accordingly, over the knee for a good hand spanking on her bare bottom before she gets undressed and bent over the chair for a slippering!

Name: Jodie Thrashed
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Resolution: 1080x1920
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Old 12-14-2020, 03:23 PM   #270
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Default Expulsion or the Slipper
Expulsion or the Slipper

Name of actress: Mr. Baxter, Cathy
Tags: Spanking, Caning, Discipline

Cathleen has been caught damaging school property, the headmaster wants to expel her over this series matter. This is not the first time she has been acting a fool, and she doesn't want to be expelled so she has the choice to get some corporal punishment instead, and she takes it. The Headmaster puts Cathleen over the knee to warm up that bare bottom before getting the old slipper for the real punishment.

Name: Expulsion or the Slipper
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Resolution: 1080x1920
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punishment, spanking, torture

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