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Old 10-03-2024, 07:13 PM   #2301
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Default Violet Voss - Mine Forever
Violet Voss - Mine Forever

Admit it, say it, right now. You are falling in love with Me. You are falling so head over heels for Me that you have lost complete control of your mind and your cock. Nothing has ever felt as sensational, as invigorating as this feeling you have for Me. Every time you see Me, you melt into a puddle, lost in My gaze and power over you. You never imagined love could feel as good as this, but it does. And after this clip, you are only going to fall deeper into that love spiral for Me. Deeper into the abyss for Me, right where you belong. You are Mine forever now.
mineforever.mp4 / 1,45 GiB / 00:10:47 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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Old 10-05-2024, 06:51 AM   #2302
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Default Dommelia - You're Used To Isolation Loser!
Dommelia - You're Used To Isolation Loser!

These are crazy time's we're living in, locked down, isolated inside our homes. Most people are totally unprepared for this lifestyle... But not you, loser. You are VERY used to being isolated, aren't you? If it weren't for the fact that it was plastered all over the internet you wouldn't even know about COVID19 and the lockdown, because your life is going on just as usual. You're always isolated, a lonely loser freak with no friends and no girlfriend, sitting in your dark room jacking off like the creepy pervy loser that you are. Has anyone called you during lock down? Huh? Course they haven't!! I'm the only person that's spoken to you because you're a freak and no one likes you! You're going to do the same thing you ALWAYS do. Sit in your bedroom and jerk off over girls you could never get. Lucky you, hahaha!
youreusedtoisolationloser.mp4 / 423,34 MiB / 00:10:21 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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Old 10-06-2024, 05:43 AM   #2303
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Default Ivy Ireland - Ivy Ireland Gives Us Jerk Off Instructions
Ivy Ireland - Ivy Ireland Gives Us Jerk Off Instructions

joi.mp4 / 791,72 MiB / 00:11:49 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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Old 10-07-2024, 07:34 AM   #2304
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Default Dommelia - You Should Be Sad
Dommelia - You Should Be Sad

You deserve to be sad. That's right. Every single tear that has rolled down those ugly sunken eyebags of yours was fully merited. Look at your life, it's a joke. No property to your name, no savings, a -end job, no friends, all alone, shunned and rejected by everyone. But I don't pity you in the slightest. All the sadness you feel is completely justified and deserved. Because all you ever think about is yourself. This is where your selfish, self-centred attitude has gotten you so let the tears roll as I taunt you. You might as well enjoy it, so why not use your tears as lube and start jerking your cock. That's right, stroke that disgusting cock, I'm going to drain that cum out of you because the last thing this world needs is for you to procreate. I'll count you down and then we'll put that spunk of yours to far better use. That's right, you can taste the sadness in your life. Unless you want that taste to be permanent, you had better listen carefully.
youshouldbesad.mp4 / 1,47 GiB / 00:12:59 / 3840x2160 / MP4

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Old 10-09-2024, 03:09 AM   #2305
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Default Violet Voss - You Need It
Violet Voss - You Need It

You crave it. You crave it so intensely. You need to stroke for Me. You need to go mindless for Me. You need to spiral deeper and deeper for Me. You need to jerk until you can't take it anymore, until you can't live without it. You need Me more than anything else in this world. You've become My toy, and I now control every aspect of your psyche, the Master Puppeteer of your deepest desires.
youneedit.mp4 / 376,55 MiB / 00:08:40 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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Old 10-09-2024, 03:05 PM   #2306
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Default Goddess Lindsey - Final Trigger
Goddess Lindsey - Final Trigger

The right trigger always comes along and pushes you back into relapse. Back into your safe space, deeper than each time before. This is your final trigger. I'm keeping you here, glitched out and gooning forever. Both sensual and erotic you're getting pulled into the direction of relapse so quickly. I use the perfect amount of pressure to elicit the response I want from you. I want you triggered. I want you glitching. I want you gooned out.
finaltrigger.mp4 / 1,42 GiB / 00:10:34 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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Old 10-10-2024, 05:38 PM   #2307
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Default Crystal Knight - Big Fake Tits Addiction
Crystal Knight - Big Fake Tits Addiction

There's nothing you want more in life than to feel the pleasure of worshipping my big fake tits. It is a blessing to be in my presence as I allow you to pump to my beautiful body. These shiny, fake boobs mind fuck you into subspace like no other. You look into my eyes and lose yourself in my seductive voice I tell you to give in. Losing control feels so right when my tits are in your face. You can't help but think the dirtiest thoughts when you're with me. I love encouraging you to think even dirtier as I tease you into addiction. My bobs have defined your sex life. You will never be able to quit me. Give in to your desires, it's time to get drained hard for my big fake tits you're obsessed with.
bigfaketitsaddiction.mp4 / 127,02 MiB / 00:12:50 / 1280x720 / MP4

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Old 10-11-2024, 09:40 PM   #2308
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Default Clair Satine - The Last JOI before Locktober
Clair Satine - The Last JOI before Locktober

You should embark on the Locktober journey with me. My job will be to teach you that being cage will help you to behave better and focus on other things more than stroking. I promise you this won't be easy you are here seeking self-improvement if you are weak you will not resist.

In those 30 days you will undergo a strong psychological change but at the end will be leaving everything you were once behind and you will born as the perfect chastity slave.

I will be sending weekly videos I will train you to resist your weak thoughts even the strongest tease will start to have less effect on you as time goes by.

To prepare you to go through those 31 days of pain and resisting I will allow you the last before Locktober. This might sound like generosity but it is pure cruelty because you won't be able to erase this moment from your tough, you will relive it while locked this will bring you a deep feeling of frustration and regret
thelastjoibeforelocktober.mp4 / 928,18 MiB / 00:07:44 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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Old 10-12-2024, 01:50 PM   #2309
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Default Charlotte Stokely - Stroke Secret To Be Re-Virginized
Charlotte Stokely - Stroke Secret To Be Re-Virginized

The more you tell yourself how pathetic you are the better you'll be. Only virgins stroke to hot girls over the internet. My plan will wipe away the only memory you have of being inside a woman.

You won't even remember how good it felt to be inside of a pussy. You'll just know the rough hard feeling of your fingers wrapped tightly around your cock LOL
strokesecrettoberevirginized.mp4 / 391,10 MiB / 00:10:15 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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Old 10-13-2024, 08:24 AM   #2310
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Default Alisandra Midas - Must Resist Jerking
Alisandra Midas - Must Resist Jerking

Can you control yourself when it comes to me? You might THINK you can, but I KNOW you can't! I bet you won't be able to resist stroking to me! Not with me teasing you mercilessly, making you stare into my green eyes and into my perfect full cleavage, showing it off in close up, taunting you and encouraging you to jerk... If you give in and start pumping, you owe me a tribute, of course! I just know your hard throbbing cock craves being stroked for me, making all rational thoughts disappear from your enchanted mind. And when I take my amazing breasts out of my top, you'll have no choice but to give in and pump for my huge natural tits! Resistance is futile!
mustresistjerking.mp4 / 468,53 MiB / 00:10:25 / 1920x1080 / MP4

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